Friday, July 19, 2013

What Weather and Temperatures To Expect On Your Holiday in Venice

November 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Travel Tips

If you are lucky enough to be going on a Venice holiday, then it is a good idea to be aware of what temperature you are likely to experience and also what the general weather conditions are likely to be.

January and February
It used to be the case when the canals would freeze over but nowadays although this seems to be a thing of the past, the quantity of water and the freezing winds means that Venice feels cold and damper than the Italian mainland.
January : degrees centigrade maximum = 6 minimum = -1 monthly rainfall = 58mm
February : degrees centigrade maximum = 8 minimum = 1 monthly rainfall = 54mm

March and April
Spring in Venice can bring temperatures of around 20C. However, beware as these months can be rainy and the low-lying areas of the city can become flooded.
March : degrees centigrade maximum = 12 minimum = 4 monthly rainfall = 57mm
April : degrees centigrade maximum = 16 minimum = 8 monthly rainfall = 64mm

May and June
Temperatures during early summer can range from 15C – 20C and attracts been 8 – 9 hours of sunshine each day and can be the best time to visit Venice.
May : degrees centigrade maximum = 22 minimum = 12 monthly rainfall = 69mm
June : degrees centigrade maximum = 25 minimum = 16 monthly rainfall = 76mm

View of Venice from the canal

July and August
This is the peak season and can mean high temperatures.
July : degrees centigrade maximum = 27 minimum = 18 monthly rainfall = 63mm
August : degrees centigrade maximum = 27 minimum = 17 monthly rainfall = 83mm

September and October
These month can be a very pleasant time to visit Venice as although temperatures can be around 20C during the day, they can drop to about 10C in the evening.
September : degrees centigrade maximum = 24 minimum = 14 monthly rainfall = 66mm
October : degrees centigrade maximum = 18 minimum = 11 monthly rainfall = 69mm

November and December
Very unpredictable weather during these months and a chilly wind hits Venice. November can be the wettest month on the year but strangely, December can be one of the driest.
November : degrees centigrade maximum = 11 minimum = 4 monthly rainfall = 87mm
December : degrees centigrade maximum = 7 minimum = 1 monthly rainfall = 54mm

Information courtesy of Corona Holidays. More details at

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