Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shopping Tips When Traveling In Italy

January 4, 2010 by Travel Guide  
Filed under Shopping, Travel Tips

Italy is one great place to go shopping. In fact, this city is very popular for its designer clothes and exquisite leather goods. So if you’ll be traveling to Italy, shopping would definitely be one of your must-do activities.

This city is filled with a lot of wonderful shops that you can browse through. Additionally, it has a lot of markets where you can find exquisite buys that are worth the bucks. The city also offers class boutiques where you can get haute couture items. Definitely, Italy is a shopper’s paradise!

So, if you’ll be shopping in Italy, you would want to be equipped with some tips before you go out for a shopping spree. Here are some very helpful tips that you can bring with you as you go shopping.

Barter, Barter, Barter!

If you’ll be shopping in any kind of Italian market, always keep in mind that you have to barter. It doesn’t really matter if you think the price is right just think of how many more items you can buy if you get to barter. The truth is that sellers do have marked up goods and are very much willing to barter with their customers.

That stylish Italian leather purse you are holding marked by $40 Euro could be yours for only $30 if you’re armed with a few basic Italian words and could charm the vendor with your chopped attempts of speaking their tongue.

One, Two, Three And Counting

Buying more that one item would be very helpful in landing on a better deal! Have you found the ideal marble statue that you’d bring back to Aunt Jane? How about getting another one for you Cousin Lana? Bartering for 2 same items can save you a lot for the long run!

Be An Early Bird

As the saying goes, “The early bird gets the worm”, so does an early shopper gets the deal!

Try to be there early and browse through the whole market. It isn’t really advisable to shop in the beginning of the marketplace. Try to explore further and for sure you can get much better deals!

Shopping And Food

Of course, when there’s shopping, there’s food too. So don’t get too caught up on your shopping that you’ll be missing out the food. A lot of vendors in Italian markets offer scrumptious treats and snacks. You can try out some deep-fried squid or fried mashed potato balls. Try to observe what the locals are buying and let yourself free by being adventurous with your palate.

Be Equipped

When going to markets it would be best that you are quipped with the right kind of clothing. Try to wear the most comfortable pair of shoes you’ve got and protect yourself from the sun by bring an umbrella. If you’ll be going to Rome, cobblestones could be torture to your feet. Thus, try to leave those stylish high heels at your hotel room and rather go for comfy walking shoes instead. Also keep in mind that weather in Italy could be very unpredictable that even a seemingly sunny day could transform into a gloomy rainy one quickly.

Bring Your Own Treasure Bag

You should also bring a bag or something else that you can use to carry your buys in! Interestingly, the majority of European country vendors and shopkeepers don’t bag your goods! It’s advised that you bring your own large canvas bag that you can put your new found treasures in!


One Response to “Shopping Tips When Traveling In Italy”
  1. Voyager Inde says:

    Hey thats really cool tips for shopping

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