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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Some Lesser Known Lake and Mountain Resorts in Italy

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Resorts

The three best-known lakes in Italy – Como, Garda and Maggiore – are popular attractions for art and culture lovers, but also for people who enjoy the outdoors. The first of these, Lake Como, is one of the deepest lakes in Europe, stretching 1,320 feet beneath sea level, and it has been a popular retreat for wealthy people reaching back to Roman times.

For people who like to stay in quieter areas, however, there are many lesser known but no-less charming lakes that are great summer destinations to spend holidays in Italy.

Lake Trasimeno
On the Tuscany-Umbria border, Lake Trasimeno is great base from which to explore this historic region. With no major river flows directly into or out of it, the lake’s water level fluctuates with the seasons. Attractions include Guglielmi Castle, Zocco Castle and the Vernazzano leaning tower, while visitors to Lake Trasimeno can also combine their stay with a stopover in Rome or a stay in nearby Castiglione del Lago.

Lake Bolsena
Just over 60 miles north of Rome, this lake is in a quieter and less developed region of Italy. The largest volcanic lake in the country, its water is entirely composed from underground sources, rainfall and runoff, from which it sustains a thriving fishing community. Take the opportunity to visit the breath-taking Bisentina Island via ferry and enjoy long days in the Bolsena, Montefiascone and Valentano comuni that have beaches for summer swimming and cafes, restaurants and boat hire.

Lake Iseo
For those seeking a quieter holiday in less developed regions of northern Italy, Lake Iseo is a great place to stop. Possibly the most striking thing about Iseo is Monte Isola island, the largest island of any lake in Europe, standing grandly in the lake. As of last year, Monte Isola had a population of just less than 2,000. Lake Iseo is near the cities of Brescia and Bergamo, and it’s a great place for exploring nearby wetland nature reserves and observing local wildlife.

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